Community Conversations

Many older adults feel isolated and disconnected and need a space where they can come together and engage in meaningful conversations about the issues that matter to them. Our NEW Community Conversations program provides a platform for older adults to connect with one another, share experiences, offer support, and provide valuable feedback to community leaders, policymakers, and service providers regarding their specific needs and concerns.

Together we discuss a wide range of topics, from social justice and equity to mental health and wellness. These conversations are facilitated by staff and trained volunteers who help create a safe and respectful space for everyone to participate. We are also working closely with healthcare providers, schools, and community organizations to create opportunities for people to connect and engage with one another.

By working together, we can build stronger and more resilient communities that are better equipped to tackle the challenges Minnesotans face as we age in community.

Through these conversations, we will create a template for independence and healthy aging in our state.

Friends & Co is an example of how community-led organizations can help create positive change in their communities. “By fostering open and honest conversations and creating opportunities for people to connect and engage with one another, the organization is helping make Minnesota a stronger and healthier place to grow older,” states James Falvey.

If you are interested in having us come and connect with your community, please feel free to connect with us!


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