Let’s Do Coffee

The Pillars of Prospect Park 22 Malcolm Ave SE, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Please join us Wednesday, October 18th., from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM for Let's Do Coffee! NEW LOCATION: The Pillars Senior Living, Lower Level Café. 22 Malcolm Ave SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414.
Driving? You can park on Malcolm Ave SE, next to the Pillars, or the parking lot located behind the Pillars at Malcolm and SE 4th St.

Military Retiree Seminar at Camp Ripley

Camp Ripley 15000 MN-115, Little Falls, MN, United States

Friends & Co will be visiting Camp Ripley for a Military Retiree Seminar.

2023 Chisago Age Well Expo

Chisago Lakes High School PAC 29400 Olinda Trail, Lindstrom, MN, United States

Stop by and visit Friends & Co at the Age Well Expo! There will be plenty of resources and Information to provide older adults
and their caregivers opportunities to live and age well in Chisago County. Speakers | Vendors | Food | Entertainment | Vaccine Clinic | Health Screenings | Free Admission!

Community Conversations | Shepherd’s Inn | Session 2

Shepherd's Inn 46 First Avenue SW , MN, Wells, Minnesota, United States

Friends & Co will be joining the Shepherd's Inn Community for Session 2 of our Community Conversations. Tap into the transformative power of connection and conversation. Explore the value of meaningful relationships and face the challenges of aging together.

South Minneapolis Seniors Fair


Join Friends & Co at the South Minneapolis Seniors Fair, and check out our great FREE services for older adults.


Fall Aging Conference

Earle Brown Heritage Center 6155 Earle Brown Dr, Brooklyn Center, MN, United States

Stop by and visit Friend & Co, and check our our FREE services for Older Adults!

Let’s Do Lunch 10/27

Let's Do Lunch 3030 W River Pkwy, Minneapolis, MN 55406, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Please join us for Lunch and a presentation from MEDICA's PRIDE ERG.

The Harms of Social Isolation Among Older Adults and Ways to Combat it, Webinar


It is well-documented that social isolation – a persistent national crisis – has severe health ramifications among older adults. Isolation and/or lack of social connection impacts mental, cognitive, and physical health, overall well-being, and longevity. Between 2018 and 2023 persistent isolation, lack of companionship, and infrequent social contact were strongly linked to poorer health among older adults, according to the National Poll on Healthy Aging (NPHA). The good news is that social connection – friendship, companionship, and even cordial interactions between strangers provide a powerful antidote against the ravages of isolation. Come investigate the problem and stay for the solutions we can each implement daily. Presented by Friends & Co, an organization with over 50 years of service dedicated to ending isolation among older adults one person at a time.

Presenter: Georgia Afton, Community Outreach Director, Friends & Co
