Let’s Do Lunch 1/9/24
Let’s Do Lunch 1/9/24
Join us for Let's Do Lunch and presentation on Jan 9th from 11:30 - 1:30 at The Danish American Center.
Join us for Let's Do Lunch and presentation on Jan 9th from 11:30 - 1:30 at The Danish American Center.
Join us for lunch on Friday, January 26th for lunch and a presentation! https://conta.cc/3SddEQG
Mona has a great idea! This vibrant octogenarian is determined to be the first to know if her recall is slipping beyond what can be considered normal, age-related memory loss. An unexpected visit from her son David reveals that she has cooked up a way to help herself and others be on the lookout for the early stages of dementia. Event Host & Partners: JOIN US! FREE LIVE EVENT.